OHIO Background Checks
Many public and private employers require background checks for employment purposes. State law mandates that schools, day care centers, health care facilities, and others require such checks as part of the hiring process. Some individuals are also required to have a background check to obtain professional licensure.
The Ohio Attorney General’s Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) regularly processes about a million background checks a year. BCI completes such background checks by comparing fingerprints received against a database of criminal fingerprints to determine if there is a criminal record. All fingerprints must be submitted to BCI electronically through WebCheck or a card scan unless the required reasons for an exemption are met.
To obtain a background check, visit or contact one of the Web Check locations identified on the listing.
With the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation’s WebCheck Verifier, employers can check the validity of prospective or current employees’ Ohio background check showing no criminal history. To confirm the authenticity of background checks showing no criminal history, click the WebCheck image below.