Cybersecurity Are you safe?

Cyber Safety Quiz

Cyber-Safety Quiz

Download: Cyber Safety Quiz (Unity)

  1. Game Idea
    I have designed my 2D Cyber-Security Quiz in Unity 2020.1.3f1 for people who need to learn more about protecting their online security. This includes all people who are not technology proficient and especially the elderly who are targets of many social engineering cyber-attacks. The advantages of my game are that if they get wrong answers, they can go back and continue the game and see their score improve when the get the right answers. The game is also expandable by adding infinite questions and levels. The preferred resolution is 1280x720p.
  2. Game Design
    The goal if this 2D quiz game is to get as many questions as possible correct. There are 15 questions divided into 4 sections. At the end of each section a score and percentage will be provided. After the game is completed, the player can start a new game or continue where they left off and try to get a better score. The game flow is shown below:
  3. Prototype
    The major steps here are shown here to give an overview inside my project design in Unity 2020.1.3f1.

  1. Finished Game
    The finished project in Unity is Lonell – Final Project (Cyber Safety quiz) and is readily playable. The preferred resolution is 1280x720p in Unity 2020.1.3f1.

Here is some live game play:

The Gamification of Cyber-Safety Quiz:

There are several ways that I would like to expand the Cyber-Safety quiz prototype thru gamification. The first aspect would be to add a game character than would guide the player thru the process of learning Cyber-Safety in the quiz. The character would talk and respond to correct answers, with, “Wow, that was great!”, or “Awesome Job, Lets learn more.” For incorrect answers, the character would say something encouraging like, “Nice try, but that answer was incorrect, lets see what we can learn about this” or “That was an excellent try, but let’s see how we can improve our knowledge.” The talking avatar would look something like one of these:

Next, at the end of each section, a special bonus can be added for a perfect score of 100%. Additionally, a challenge section can be added which will have a time limit for harder questions and additional bonuses added for correct answers. Finally, I would integrate a leader-board scoring system so that the game score can be tracked within Unity as well as be shared online with family and friends.


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